You, are responsible for your life. And don’t wait until you get to the end of your life before you figure that out. All along, that was you.
Super Soul — Oprah Winfrey
My feeling is that just because we work so hard, we don’t have to go around with long faces all the time, taking ourselves seriously, pretending we’re lost in thought over weighty problems.
Made in America — Sam Walton
I’m exactly this kind of person he’s talking about. 😂 If there’s problem bothering you, bring it out open and solve it together.
选择留在家乡城市,不代表想清楚了以后要怎么生活;选择结婚,不代表很笃定可以live happily ever after;有大把自己的时间,也不一定就过得轻松自在。人生不易,需要相互打气,大家都要加油呀~☀️